Quick review of Typescript basics

Quick review of Typescript basics

2021, Nov 06    

What’s typescript

Typescript is very similar to javascript because it’s an extension of javascript

  1. Typescript cannot be used directly on the browser. Typescript can be compiled to javascript but it cannot be used directly on the browser.

You can install typescript by typing the following command. You can also check the latest at [typescriptlang.org] (https://www.typescriptlang.org/download)

npm install typescript --save-dev
  1. It uses static typing. This means that unlike javascript where variables can change type or be created at any point in time. Typescript is more strict and it’ll encourage you to declare your variables and use them according to the declared type.

While this is possible in javascript and it works like an overloaded function ( Numbers will add and strings will concatenate )

function add(a, b) {
    return a + b;

const result = add('2', '5')

With typescript you’d usually declare your types for safety:

function add(a: number, b: number) {
    return a + b;

const result = add(2, 5);
  1. it’s compiled. Unlike javascript which you can run directly on your browser (which makes it an interpreted language), typescript needs to be compiled before you run it.



  • number
let myNumber: number;
myNumber = 20;
  • string
 let myString: string;
myString = 'some string';
  • boolean
 let myBoolean: boolean;
myBoolean = false;

Complex types

  • arrays
let myArray: string[];
myArray = ['S1', 's2'];
  • objects
 let myHouse: {
    type: string;
    myNumber: number;

myHouse = {
    type: 'classic',
    myNumber: 34

Union types

This is to declare a variable that can hold more than one type.

let myUnionType: string | number = 'test';

myUnionType = 4;

Type aliases

This is the equivalent of structures in C, but it works like classes in javascript.

type House = {
    type: string;
    houseNumber: number;

let mySecondHouse: House;


Generics are very similar to java generics. It’s a generic type used instead of a concrete type definition, this abstract type can be used around the function where it was declared. It avoids working with repeated code while keeping it type safe.

function myPush <T>(array: T[], value: T) {
    const newArray = [value, ...array];
    return newArray;
const demoArray = [1, 2, 3];

const updatedDemoArray = myPush(demoArray, -2);


This is a class that very similar to other languages, it helps to define properties and operations of an object. Typescript has constructors, which are very similar to C++.

class DifferentHouse {
    type: string;
    size: number;

    constructor(type: string, size: number) {
        this.type = type;
        this.size = size;

    grow(size: number) {
        this.size = size;

const mansion = new DifferentHouse('Arch', 45);

Class with constructor

This is a class that uses a constructor to define the properties it contains.

class ShortHouse {

    constructor(private type: string, private size: number) {
        this.type = type;
        this.size = size;

    grow(size: number) {
        this.size = size;

const mansion = new ShortHouse('Arch', 45);


  • These are only available on typescript (not javascript).
  • They are very similar to alias with the main difference that they can be implemented by classes.
  • Ma
//Declare an interface
interface House {
	size: number;
	model: string;
	build:() => boolean;


//Use an interface to declare an object
let myMansion: House;
myMansion = {
	size: 20,
	model: 'abcd1234'

//Use an interface to implement a class
class BigHouses implements House {
	size: number;
	model: string;
	build() {
		return true;

Initialize environment

In order to creat an intial configuration file, you can use the following command. it creates a file called tsconfig.ts which contains the option to configure your typescript environment.

npx tsc --init
message TS6071: Successfully created a tsconfig.json file.