Configure ddclient for google domains in ubuntu
Photo by Taylor Vick on Unsplash

Configure ddclient for google domains in ubuntu

2020, Nov 21    

This is a sample configuration to create a new dynamic subdomain using google domains

Google domains: Create your new subdomain

You need to set a new Dynamic DNS synthetic record by signing in you google domain

  1. Select the name of your domain.
  2. Click DNS.
  3. Go to Synthetic Records.
  4. Select “Dynamic DNS” from the list of synthetic record types.
  5. Enter a name of the subdomain
  6. Click View Credentials to view the user name and password created for this record.

Server side: Install DD client

The first step is to install ddclient in ubuntu, which you can achive by executing

sudo apt-get install ddclient

This will take you to a series of steps to help you with the configuration, use the Google domain reference configuration.

  • Note1. I usually confused about the server, it’s
  • Note2. Interface configuration will help you get the IP. So if you put your “eth0” you’ll get your local IP. You might need to configure it to “use web”, “use web” will use an external service to get your Internet IP.

I need to change the configuration

if you missed something or typed something wrong, you can edit your configuration with

sudo nano /etc/ddclient.conf

I need to test my configuration

You can run the following command to test your configuration

sudo ddclient -daemon=0 -debug -verbose -noquiet


  • daemon Run the request right now
  • debug Print debugging information
  • verbose Print verbose information
  • noquiet Print messages for unnecesary updates

Here’s the ddlclient official usage information

Notes of possible errors